
Eclipse or pycharm for python
Eclipse or pycharm for python

eclipse or pycharm for python

There is code folding available for classes and functions, but for some reason not for any other kind of block. Creating a new Python file in a project sometimes takes several seconds, for some reason. Auto-completion works well and makes excellent suggestions, but the user-interaction implementation is awkward in some circumstances, for example, if you have a list narrowed down to a single suggestion and you want to type something else, you have to hit Escape to get out of the auto-completion list, moving your hands out of their typing position. Code navigation is well-done and effective, and auto-indentation and de-indentation works beautifully. My initial reaction was that it's good, but somewhat cumbersome. (Excellent instructions are available from .) Then you must restart Eclipse as a normal user.

eclipse or pycharm for python

Then, Eclipse must be closed and run as an administrator, you must add the software source for PyDev, accept its certificate, and wait while the plugin installs. Installation of PyDev is a little more involved than many of the IDEs reviewed here, because Eclipse must be installed separately. In view of that, I'm somewhat biased against PyDev - but I've tried to evaluate it fairly, and it impressed me much more than I expected. I'm reluctant to install Eclipse because it's such a large application some would say bloated. Full disclosure: the word "Eclipse" in a programming context (or a literary one, for that matter) fills me with dread in my mind, Eclipse is a pig strapped to a dog strapped to a whale.

Eclipse or pycharm for python